FishCurrents FishCurrents

Often in saltwater fishing the flow of water (or lack there of) is the most important factor in getting fish to bite. In many cases the current flow does not correspond to the calculated tides (eg. slack water at low and high tides). This is often the case when multiple bodies of water empty into a single large body of water. FishCurrents uses information about the peak ebb, peak flood and slack current to approximate hourly water current speeds and provides that information in a map based depiction. The direction of current flow is depicted using the mean ebb and mean flood direction and does not vary hourly. Current data is available for multiple locations across the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico using an interpretation of data provide by NOAA.

This site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended for navigation. No warranty or guarantee of accuracy is provided. Consult NOAA for offical predictions.

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